A lot of emotions today.
It was exactly one year ago today, March 13, 2020, we decided to send everyone home from work because of the Coronavirus. Our IT dept. stepped up and quickly installed remote desktop software and VPN solutions on hundreds of workstations. Some of us, like me, had dedicated development hardware, so I had to take everything home and then get a hardware VPN shipped to my house.
The following weeks were scary. We didn't fully understand how the virus was transmitted. We were scared to leave the house and store shelves were emptied. I ordered some necessary medications and cat food from the internet, and when boxes were delivered, I'd just leave them sitting by the door for several days before opening them.
I'm reliving these emotions today, not just because it's the one-year anniversary, but I also got my first of two vaccination shots today! What a year we've gone through collectively and some trials my family has gone through as well. We thought we'd be working from home for 2 weeks, a month at the worse. I haven't seen the inside of my office for 365 days now. One year! I've heard from co-workers that needed to go in our office that it's a time capsule from life one year ago, pre-COVID.
As I waited for my shot, I remembered everything that happened this past year. In one week last December a family member was diagnosed with cancer, my granddaughter was born, and my father-in-law passed away from COVID.
When I got the call that I could get vaccinated, it was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will still be years before we're back to normal if there even is a normal anymore. I have no idea if I'll even be working in an office building again. But things are looking up. When it's your turn, do us all a favor and get your vaccine!
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